Legal notice

This website is owned by Piritas and is protected by the copyright laws of Lithuania and by international laws and conventions. No content from this website may be copied, stored, reproduced, modified or revised (electronically or physically) without the express, prior written consent of Piritas, which owns the economic and moral right to all works contained herein.

Although Piritas has taken reasonable steps to ensure that the content of this website is complete, accurate and current at the time of publication, the content on this website is for general information and interest only. Piritas does not accept any liability or responsibility for any errors or omissions on this website, nor any damages/loss that may be incurred by any party that seeks to rely on this website. As such, it is the responsibility of the party that seeks to rely on this website to verify that the content is accurate, current and complete by carrying out its own investigations and taking relevant and independent advice from its own professional advisors.

Photographs (modified and unmodified) reflect certain elements of works completed and were current at the time of the photo being taken. Trademarked logos of third parties such as Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn are not owned by Piritas and you should refer to their respective websites for further information about their copyright and terms of use. While we may provide links to third party websites, we do not make any representations as to the completeness or accuracy or any other aspect of information contained on such websites.

“Piritas” is the trading name, registered in Lithuania under company number 304067896. Our registered office is: Rodūnios kel. 11, LT-02189 Vilnius.